I wanted to tell you that my latest song just hit #1 on the T61 homepage. I also wanted to tell you that it is my birthday. Those are the things that I wanted to tell you.
About this song:
Quarter-life crisis. Hi, nice to meet you.
Smoke Signals
There was a time when it all seemed clear
I got a signal when I picked up the line
But lately I feel like I'm out of range
And I wish someone would give me a sign
I'm hearing doot doot doot
And deet deet deet
On my little radio
I'm hearing doot doot doot
And deet deet deet
I'm tapping out the signals
And I'm sending up the flares
But it seems that I'm lost out at sea
But everywhere I look from my little life raft
I see a thousand other drifters just like me
We're singing deet deet deet
And doot doot doot
On our little radios
Singing doot doot doot
And deet deet deet
But the sea is getting rocky
And I'm starting to get cold
And I'm wondering if I'm ever getting home
09 May 2008
New Song - "Smoke Signals" (& Happy Birthday to Me!)
03 May 2008
Oh, Internet.
My friend Russell recently directed me to thesixtyone.com, which is a place for artists to post songs and for listeners to find new music. The site works like Digg except that listeners "bump" songs instead of articles. It's a genius idea and is incredibly addictive.
The website works like a game that rewards you for "discovering" awesome new music before it catches on with the masses. Bumping a song costs a certain number of points, so listeners generally only bump a song if they genuinely like it or think it will be successful. The earlier that you bump a song, the more points it costs you, but if the song ends up taking off, then you make a lot more points back.
Anyway, so I posted a few of my silly little songs a few days ago. My silly little songs that I recorded using the internal mic on my laptop and composed using software that came with my computer. And, today, one of those silly little songs hit the T61 homepage with (at the time of this posting) 206 bumps. It's currently #2 on the homepage, right under a Shout Out Louds song. One of my other songs is creeping up behind with 121 bumps!
Guys, that is NUTS.
This is all really funny/amazing to me because I do not in any way think of myself as a real musician. People keep asking if I want to collaborate or if I have an album they can buy and I'm like whattttt?
The internet is so silly and wonderful!