This demo is ROUGH. Also, the song is not even close to being finished, but I wanted to get the general idea up here.
I've been teaching myself how to play piano over the past month or so, so I'm super excited about how much I'm (hopefully) going to improve in the future...
30 July 2008
New Song - "When My Eyes Are Blue"
29 July 2008
Better Late Than Never
From the folks who brought you February Album Writing Month:
Fourteen songs in twenty-eight days was one thing, but fifty songs in ninety days? That just seems masochistic.
And yet, here I am. Nearly a month late, I've got two full songs and a slew of half-written ditties and only 64 days to go. Better get crackin'.
posted by mixtapes + meltdowns at 7:14 PM
labels: news, songwriting
28 July 2008
New Song - "Frequency"
I've been working on a new song. It's by no means finished, but this is the general idea. It's the first song I've written on the piano without the use of loops and it's been both fun and frustrating. I look forward to getting better at this...
25 July 2008
The Joys of Songwriting
This is how I feel today...
posted by mixtapes + meltdowns at 9:06 AM
labels: songwriting, videos
23 July 2008
Auto Pseudo Mondo CD Released Today!
Earlier this year, I participated in February Album Writing Month. FAWM is an annual event in which musicians from all over the world commit to writing a full album in the month of February: 14 songs in 28 days. It's ridiculously fun and inspiring.
One of the best things about FAWM is the Weekly Challenge. Each week, FAWM presents artists with a new challenge to inspire us and jog our creativity. One week this year, FAWM participants Nancy Rost, Tim Wille, and Paul Turrell got together and wrote the chords and lyrics to a song. The challenge for FAWM participants was to record our own version of the song before listening to anyone else's. It was called the "Explore the Core" Challenge and the intention was to prove that a song is much more than the sum of its lyrics and chords.
Each version of the song ended up so incredibly different from the next. My version (with John Argentiero on guitar) is embedded above and has a very sleepy/sultry feel to it. My friend Andrew did an awesome heavy metal version and I recall Phil Norman's version being particularly moving and beautiful. The album also includes a great version from my friend Tara Craig, who is a fantastic singer-songwriter in Austin. There are 18 versions of the song in all.
I think the producers will be lucky to even recoup the cost of production, but any and all profits will be donated to RIME (Renovation in Music Education), which is an organization dedicated to helping young people succeed through innovative music-partnership programs.
If you're interested in picking up a copy, you can do so here.
posted by mixtapes + meltdowns at 12:14 PM
labels: mp3s, news, other musicians
My Setup
20 July 2008
The County Fair & The Ting Tings
Lately, I've become a little obsessed with the video function on my digital camera. If you haven't yet explored yours, I recommend against it. It's highly addictive.
As such, I've spent this beautiful Sunday afternoon in a sunny yellow coffee shop, editing footage from Friday's visit to the county fair. I'm super into this Ting Tings song right now, so I turned the footage into a little music video.
The song is called "Keep Your Head" and it comes from their album We Started Nothing, which came out last month. You can buy the album here and I recommend doing so. It's fun to bop along to on the bus.
posted by mixtapes + meltdowns at 3:51 PM
labels: other musicians, videos
19 July 2008
Interview on
Exciting news today in MixtapeLand!
I've been interviewed on, which is a sweet music webzine. They asked me some great questions and I'm really excited about it!
Click here to learn all of my deepest, darkest secrets.
Great Show Tonight at Nottingham
I saw a fantastic show tonight. A fantastic, free show. Which makes it even extra fantastic.
The show was at Nottingham Co-op, which is a huge housing co-operative in downtown Madison and is also a gorgeous music venue.
The rain held off until nearly midnight, so we got to lounge on folding chairs and picnic tables in the co-op's lush backyard on the lake. The musicians played on a stone balcony above us as we swatted mosquitos and chowed down on some glorious tofu & black bean wraps.
Did I mention there was food?
Nottingham hosts shows frequently, but tonight's event was special. All of the performers (and there were a lot!) were current or former residents of the co-op. It was a great show, and also a fun reunion with a lot of special guests who were in from out of town.
The first act I caught was my friend Clare (formerly of The Buffali). This was my first time seeing her play live and she was fantastic. Clare's music has this amazing energy that I really admire and wish I could emulate. She really lights up a room-- or, in this case, a backyard.
Next up was Dietrich Gosser, who re-amazes me every time I see him play. Dietrich and his percussionist, Dan Kuemmel, gave us an astoundingly beautiful set. It's hard for music to be 'haunting' when it's 90 degrees and you're swatting mosquitoes, but they managed it.
This was my first time seeing Dan and he was incredible-- in addition to your garden variety drum set, he played bells, metal mixing bowls, and even the balcony railing. I'm in awe.
One of my favorite acts of the night was a band called Flower Baby. They had a great sort of alt-country sound (with a little free-styling (in Spanish!) mixed in!). I'd definitely go see them again.
I was going to post some videos, but between the unfortunate sound quality and my less-than-stellar cinematography, it's probably best if you just use your imagination.
posted by mixtapes + meltdowns at 11:15 PM
labels: other musicians, photos
17 July 2008
New Song - "Come Around"
I dragged home a beat-up old keyboard from a junk shop last week and it's basically taking up my entire bedroom right now. I'm considering selling my bed to make more room for it.
After a month-long hiatus from music-making, I finished a new song today. It's good to be back.
About this song:
I don't know when it happened, but I somehow slip-slided from "all of my friends are single woooooooo!" to "all of my friends are getting married whaaaaaaaat?"
And before I could fully settle into engagement rings and wedding showers, the conversation turned to teething rings and changing tables. I'm beginning to worry that I've missed some significant boat here.
My Roommate. How old are you?
Me. Twenty-six.
My Roommate. Oh, ok. When I was 26, all of my friends were getting married, too. Now I'm 28 and they're all getting divorced.
Oh, god.
Joking aside, I feel really fortunate to be surrounded by people who are in amazingly balanced, loving, healthy relationships. It inspires me and it gives me hope.
Come Around
Change is comin' round
Something's up and I feel down
I don't want to stop
I just wanna slow it down
Mortgages and diamond rings
When did we learn about all these things
Life is long, or so I'm told
It's a shame we spend it growin' old
And I ain't comin' round
No, I ain't comin' round
So, if you want me
You will have to come on down
Come on down
There's a heaven for those who wait
But waiting's a big mistake
Or so I'm told
'Cause those big, old pearly gates
They won't open if you're too late
Or so I'm told
Wanna tell you
(Been wanting to tell you)
We've got so much time
So let's just slow it down
Toes in the grass
And watchin' the sunset
From the tallest tree
Sounds alright by me
We've got so much time
Life is short but that's ok
We just live it day by day
That's what I say
Been wanting to tell you
We've got so much time