
23 July 2008

Auto Pseudo Mondo CD Released Today!

Earlier this year, I participated in February Album Writing Month. FAWM is an annual event in which musicians from all over the world commit to writing a full album in the month of February: 14 songs in 28 days. It's ridiculously fun and inspiring.

One of the best things about FAWM is the Weekly Challenge. Each week, FAWM presents artists with a new challenge to inspire us and jog our creativity. One week this year, FAWM participants Nancy Rost, Tim Wille, and Paul Turrell got together and wrote the chords and lyrics to a song. The challenge for FAWM participants was to record our own version of the song before listening to anyone else's. It was called the "Explore the Core" Challenge and the intention was to prove that a song is much more than the sum of its lyrics and chords.

Each version of the song ended up so incredibly different from the next. My version (with John Argentiero on guitar) is embedded above and has a very sleepy/sultry feel to it. My friend Andrew did an awesome heavy metal version and I recall Phil Norman's version being particularly moving and beautiful. The album also includes a great version from my friend Tara Craig, who is a fantastic singer-songwriter in Austin. There are 18 versions of the song in all.

I think the producers will be lucky to even recoup the cost of production, but any and all profits will be donated to RIME (Renovation in Music Education), which is an organization dedicated to helping young people succeed through innovative music-partnership programs.

If you're interested in picking up a copy, you can do so here.